There is no doubt that paying attention to the working environment has become one of the most stressed by modern management studies, as it effectively affects the nature of the final product provided by workers, one of the most important aspects of the working environments in terms of good and bad is the safety system and the provision of tools and instruments comfortable.
If we come closer to the construction area, we see a lack of safety that is clearly visible in the question of building blocks or what is known as the “scaffold”, where used in this framework are mostly primitive pillars that do not provide employees and construction workers or their assistants with the opportunity to do business quickly and properly, in addition to Those primitive or dilapidated pillars are at any moment amenable to endangering workers, Maroons or any of those who deal with them.
If we take a look at the area of construction, we clearly see a sharp shortage of safety precautions and subsequent details; which ultimately reflects on the nature of the work provided in terms of its quality, not to mention the safety of workers, the likelihood of their being exposed to death and danger and the consequent Moral and legal responsibility of all parties to the work.

From here and as a serious attempt by the building pillars company Rakaez Building to fill the weaknesses of the construction system in Kuwait, the building pillars company was inaugurated in 2015 to be a tributary safety and an important factor in upgrading the construction and investment system in Kuwait by providing modern tools and pillars that facilitate The construction process improves its quality and provides a safe environment that our community deserves.